What Makes a Hero
What is it that makes a hero?
Super Vision:
The ability to see into ones’ soul and uplift.
Protective Instincts:
Especially for one’s family for they are God’s greatest gift.
A Pure Heart:
To house love, the strongest power of all.
One must complete their duty no matter what the call.
Super Strength:
Not necessarily in the muscles; it comes from within.
Hope and Knowledge:
That the hero will win.
Mike's cousin Robbie finished his test here on earth about a week and a half ago. Robbie was one that Mike always looked up to not only as a cousin but as a brother. I have only had the opportunity of meeting Rob a few times. However, I have learned a lot about him the past couple of weeks. Rob had quite the battle in his life and I think he came out victorious. Rob is definitely a hero.
We love you Rob!
Here's the link to the obituary. Read here to learn more about this great hero... http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/saltlaketribune/obituary.aspx?n=james-adams&pid=136933924