Private Blog

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Happiness pulses with every beat of my heart." ~Emily Logan Decens

Since we've been married we...

Went to the fair and saw the biggest pig of all-time

Have had LOTS of bon fires with family and friends

Bought a motorcycle...that needs some fixin'

Fell in love with Cali and Fred

Many WARM fires in the cabin

Caught and released a racoon...we were trying to catch that pesky porcupine

I had a FUN girls night painting pumpkins with my two best friends Anna and Marianne

Had our first snow...gotta love the cabin view

Spend lots of time loving our niece Brynlee Kay...

Watch many episodes of the Office on the iphone

And of course LOTS of time bein' the goofs that we are...

We also are buying a house!!  We close around November 20th!  Pics to come....