We also spend our weekends watching our brothers play high school football. Mike's brother David is in 9th grade and is playing for Northridge High. He plays both sophomore and varsity. He's such a stud! Mike's siblings all attended Layton so it has been an interesting transition cheering for the enemy.
My brother Kyler, or more lovingly known as Bub, is a senior playing for dear ol' Davis High. I have to say I'm going to be sad when the season is over. I've watched nearly every one of his games from little league on up. Growing up Bub's Football = Fall. Here's to a great second half of the season!
In other news...Mike just got a new job that is going to be AWESOME! The company is Fusion. They made the signs for the Olympics that we on all the buildings. Fusion does some really neat things and basically can make anything you ask. Mike will be doing sales for them. We are really excited for this opportunity and I know he is going to do a great job. I'm so proud of you Mikey! So to celebrate that exciting news and of course my birthday we had a weekend of pampering and a trip to Park City.
We started the weekend off with a lovely massage...
Then off to dinner at the Macaroni Grill...
Then lovely Park City! It was GORGEOUS up there with all the fall colors. We got up there late Thursday night then spent my birthday on Friday shopping and going to a movie. It was such a fun trip and needed break. Thanks Mike for such a fun birthday!!
Yay Fusion!!
Mike wanted to watch the BYU game so bad and amazingly we could not find a single place in Park City that would be playing the game so we just jumped in the car and drove to where else...Heber City. We were going to his mission reunion in Midway later that night so we didn't want to drive too far out of the way. Wow, I've never been there in my whole life but we drove down one street and that was basically it. Poor Mike was one sad boy that he wasn't going to be able to see the game. We decided to just pull over to a restaurant and Walla! TV with the Y game playing. This is the happy boy!
After the mission reunion we picked up one of Mike's friends in Taylorsville to give him a ride back to Layton. We stopped at a gas station because my sweet hubbie ALWAYS needs to have something to drink. :) I stayed in the locked car so that I would not get killed. I saw Mike and Mark coming out of the store so I unlocked the doors. Suddenly a horrendous noise came from the car. Apparently if the keys are inside of the car and not in the ignition you can't unlock the doors without the car alarm going off. So the whole city of Taylorsville could hear this violent alarm since we couldn't figure out how to turn it off. We drove down 3900 South with it blarring. I'm sure people were wondering why in the world would we steal an '03 Honda Accord! Finally it turned off on its own but once Mark opened the door to get out at his house...she blew again..at midnight..in a quiet neighborhood. It was SO funny. That thing screamed and yelled all the way home to the cabin. Mike and I had tears from laughing so hard. Finally we figured out how to fix it and all is well.